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Re: [cobalt-security] Restricting access to certain file types HELP!

At 10:23 PM 10/26/01, Ervin Tarkhanian wrote:
I need to restrict access to all Real media files & Windows Media on a site.
RedirectMatch .*.ram    http://www.domain.com/novideo.html
RedirectMatch .*.rm     http://www.domain.com/novideo.html
RedirectMatch .*.asx    http://www.domain.com/novideo.html
RedirectMatch .*.asf    http://www.domain.com/novideo.html

Don't forget .wmv, .wma, .wax, .wvx, and .wm for Windows Media. For Real, you might want to include .smi, .smil, .ra, .rmm, .rt, .rmj, .rms, and .rp . Those are all the Windows Media- and RealPlayer-specific extensions listed in the programs' Open dialogs. Of course, restricting access by file extension doesn't provide any real security, as user agents pay attention only to MIME types. A Webmaster can assign any MIME type to any file extension in their .htaccess file or with a two-line CGI/PHP script that writes the header then echoes the file. Therefore, you might be better off to restrict by MIME type rather than file extension, although I don't think this will get around the CGI/PHP possibility (haven't tried). Do you care about QuickTime?

Ted Behling, Web Application Developer - Monarch Information Systems, Inc.

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