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[cobalt-security] htaccess & cgi

I have a Qube2 directory password protected with .htaccess of

AddType text/x-server-parsed-html .html .shtml
AuthUserFile /home/groups/home/robolist/meminfo/.htpasswd
AuthGroupFile /dev/null
AuthName "RoboList Members"
AuthType Basic
require valid-user

It works fine for .html files in the directory.

However, if I have a cgi script in the same directory and do a 


the script is executed without asking for userid and password. 

I have tried various changes to the htaccess file to include cgi types of
files, but have not hit upon the correct format. Other than putting password
code in who.pl, can anyone suggest changes to the htaccess file to force
password checking for who.pl also.

Thanks,  Mike.