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Re: [cobalt-security] FTP Scans

On Sun, 18 Nov 2001, Ed Morgan wrote:

> I would not leave the system exposed. But it seems foolish to me to alter
> areas of the server software that you are not well-versed in using.

Assumimg you're not that experienced with the OS, it may have been better
to ask, rather than assume and pontificate....but, that's a matter of
style.  What you will find is that the list members will be very
helpful...and there have been numerous posts detailing how to install
the software you mentioned.

> study should come first for those of us who are not Linux geeks. On another
> note, I have no idea what you mean by "ass-over-teacups", what does that
> mean? :)

Ah, it's a fairly polite way of saying that making the dubious Cobalt
warranty more important than installing something to protect your system
is bass-ackwards and could result in unpredicatable results.


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