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Re: [cobalt-security] [SECURITY WARNING] All Neomail users

Hi Taco,

> Michael, I understand your concern, but please be aware that any local user
> is able to get root permissions if you leave suidperl suid. Please see:
> http://www.securityfocus.com/archive/1/74168

I'm aware of that issue and have since long done away with the hole riddled 
"mail" and even upgraded "pine" a few times until I did away with it, too.

With missing "mail", "usleep" and reniced suidperl I felt pretty much on the 
safe side. 

I have eliminated my need for suidperl suid over the weekend rewriting my 
application. You know how that goes .... most of the times the need for suid 
is a lack of proper programming or outright lazyness. ;o)

> Being SUID root is not the issue here. Being vulnerable AND being SUID root
> is. Therefore I replaced the permissions on suidperl with the ones as the
> RaQ/Qube was delivered to you and added two SUID wrapper programs that will
> run without any securityproblems.

Thanks for the info, Taco. Out of curiosity: where are those wrappers 
located? In the Neomail directory?


With best regards,

Michael Stauber