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Re: [cobalt-security] NAT on Qube3

Hi Tom,

on 27/11/01 5:41 AM, Tom Wright at tom@xxxxxxxxxxx wrote:

> Can anyone please tell me if it is possible to configure the Qube3 to
> provide incomming address translation. i.e. I want it to translate the
> public ip address 195.92.*.* to an internal address 192.168.*.*.

This issue was discussed on the cobalt-users list.  Below is a post which
should help.

Cheers,  Malcolm

From: "dr. mikey" <mikey@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Organization: biosearch technologies, inc.
Reply-To: cobalt-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Date: Tue, 28 Aug 2001 09:24:55 -0700
To: cobalt-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [cobalt-users] IP forwarding on Qube3

Ben Ilany wrote:
> Hi.  I'm a newbie when it comes to web servers, so I'm not too savvy on
> firewalls.  But I was wondering if I could set up my Qube3 to forward
> specific ports to a specific computer within my network.  I know I could do
> it when I was using a linksys router, in fact it was quite easy.  But my
> Qube3 only seems to have IP chains and stuff that I just can't follow.
> Does anybody here have any suggestions?  I'm sort of desperate.

first the bad news:

it apears that the qube3 does not have port forwarding built in.  if you
search the sun/cobalt knowledgebase at:
using the phrase "port forward", you can find the following article:

(beware of line wraps in the above ridiculously long url.)

now the good news:

you can install a port forwarding daemon with out too much trouble (though
it may void your warranty ;-).  i believe there are more than one open
source programs available.  go to source forge (http://sourceforge.net/) and
search using "port forward" and you will find several links to different

i have been using and championing one called "portfwd" for a couple of years
now.  we've used it for a long time on our qube2 and although you have to
compile it from source (the qube2 has a mips based cpu), which can be a
problem at times, once installed it works like a charm.  fortunately,
because the qube3 is i386 based you can just download the compiled binary
(http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/portfwd/portfwd-0.21-0.i386.rpm) and
install it using rpm.  i have done this on our qube3, so i can assure you
that while it may void your warranty, it will not mess up your system.

the binary rpm also includes such nice little tidbits as example config
files and an init script (saved in /etc/rc.d/init.d/) to make is easy to
start and stop the utility.

if you want more information you can go to the portfwd homepage
(http://sourceforge.net/projects/portfwd/) and take a look at it.  you can
also go to the archives of this list (see the footer below for the url) and
search for "portfwd" where you will find several articles that i and others
have posted (mostly about installing it on a qube2, but what the heck).  and
if all else fails, just post back and i (and i'm sure others) will help as
best we can.

good luck,


mike songster                  work1:           www.biosearchtech.com
mikey@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx        work2:  www.chem.umn.edu/orgs/ampepsoc

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