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Re: [cobalt-security] neomail on RAQ02

Hi Taco,

> But I did create the neomail package and added a lot of changes so it would
> support multiple domains and multiple architectures. As the maintainer of
> the package I do think it is my issue.

Just a suggestion from my end whith which you can restrict user logins to the 
domains they belong to. Maybe there is an easier way, but this here might 

Upon processing the login values check the Apache variable $HTTP_HOST to 
determine which domain the user used to fill out the login form for neomail. 
Then grep /etc/passwd for the username:



This tells us that user "intern" belongs to "site24".

An "ls -l /home/sites/ |grep site24" returns the domain name associated with 
"site24". In this case: 

   1 drwxrwxr-x  13 admin    site24       1024 Apr 19  2001 site24
   0 lrwxrwxrwx   1 root     root           18 Jul 20 01:37 
www.solarspeed.net -> /home/sites/site24

Now if the domain name doesn't match the $HTTP_REFERER of the page which 
parses the submitted username and passwords, then the user has no business to 
login under that domain.

That's six to ten lines of additional PERL code. I volunteer to submit that 
to you. If interested I'll rip your PKG apart and send you the fixed script. 


With best regards,

Michael Stauber