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RE: [cobalt-security] access_log

> Hi,
> I have restored 2 Raq4r and on both there is a daily mail message 
> from croon
> saying:
> Error: Can't open log file /var/log/httpd/access_log
> The only thing I found on the user list was 2 questions from two users
> experience the same. They meant that it started after installing the
> webalizer 1.30 .pkg from the link at the unsupported cobalt .pkg site in
> Nederland (where Taco publishing his .pkg, -and many thanks to Taco for
> doing that) One with the .pkg supporting .gif and the other with the .pkg
> supporting png format.
> They where no answer to their problem an now I got the same 
> problem. This is
> on Raq4r with all patches installed and one total restored the other new
> from cobalt.
> Anybody now what to do? or what this is?..

Funny, I de-installed webalizer yesterday and installed webalizer1.30gif instead, however this morning I get the same error.
I did a locate access_log and it was not found. On checking the /etc/httpd/log dir there is no access_log file only an access file, So I edited the webalizer.conf file (etc/webalizer.conf) and searched for access_log and changed it to access instead.

This seems to have fixed the problem.


Matt Brown
Designs 2 Web