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[cobalt-security] New Exploit?

I got hacked using the exploit below.  Are Cobalts supposed to be
protected against this?

I use SSH2 and have patches in place.  They seem to have got into root via
one of our users.

Does anyone know what version of Linux is used on the Raq4?

* epcs2 (improved by lst [liquid@xxxxxxx])
* ~~~~~~~
* exploit for execve/ptrace race condition in Linux kernel up to 2.2.18
* originally by:
* (c) 2001 Wojciech Purczynski / cliph / <wp@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
* improved by:
* lst [liquid@xxxxxxx]
* This sploit does _not_ use brute force. It does not need that.
* It does only one attemt to sploit the race condition in execve.
* Parent process waits for a context-switch that occur after
* child task sleep in execve.
* It should work even on openwall-patched kernels (I haven't tested it).
* Compile it:
* cc epcs.c -o epcs
* Usage:
* ./epcs [victim]
* It gives instant root shell with any of a suid binaries.
* If it does not work, try use some methods to ensure that execve
* would sleep while loading binary file into memory,
* i.e.: cat /usr/lib/* >/dev/null 2>&1
* Tested on RH 7.0 and RH 6.2 / 2.2.14 / 2.2.18 / 2.2.18ow4
* This exploit does not work on 2.4.x because kernel won't set suid
* privileges if user ptraces a binary.
* But it is still exploitable on these kernels.
* Thanks to Bulba (he made me to take a look at this bug ;) )
* Greetings to SigSegv team.
* -- d00t
* improved by lst [liquid@xxxxxxx]
* props to kevin for most of the work
* now works on stack non-exec systems with some neat trickery for the
* method, ie. no need to find the bss segment via objdump
* particularly it now rewrites the code instruction sets in the
* dynamic linker _start segment and continues execution from there.
* an aside, due to the fact that the code self-modified, it wouldnt work
* quite correctly on a stack non-exec system without playing directly with
* the bss segment (ie no regs.eip = regs.esp change). this is much more
* automated. however, do note that the previous version did not trigger
* non-exec warnings due to how it was operating. note that the regs.eip =
* method will break on stack non-exec systems.
* as always.. enjoy.
