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Re: [cobalt-security] [question] how to urge users to https sites


In the httpd.conf file there is a section above the virtual sites which runs
through the conf file and adds sections which are generic to the cobalt
configuration at run time - (and leaving the conf file intact). The start of
this section looks a little like this...

   # O.K. What we bassically want to do is build up new section in the conf
   # for SSL sections.

and it will then start with a While statement - trace this down and remark
out (place a # at the beginning of the line) the entire while segment (ends
just above the close httpd.conf statement). Just after the close there's
another if statement that needs remarking out - then that's the lot for the

Next - find the virtual site that you want to add the SSL onto and modify it
to something similar to below - notice the sections I've remarked out - you
NEED to do this and also make sure you add the listen command at the top on
port 443 and add the port onto the virtualhost tag.

   Listen 2xx.2xx.4xx.2xx:443

   <VirtualHost 2xx.2xx.4x.2xx:443>
   ServerName secure.scs-web.net
   ServerAdmin admin
   DocumentRoot /home/sites/site14/web
   #RewriteEngine on
   #RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST}                !^2xx.2xx.4xx.2xx(:80)?$
   #RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST}                !^secure.scs-web.net(:80)?$
   #RewriteRule ^/(.*)                      http://secure.scs-web.net/$1
   #RewriteOptions inherit
   SSLengine on
   SSLCertificateFile /home/sites/site14/certs/certificate
   SSLCertificateKeyFile /home/sites/site14/certs/key
   AliasMatch ^/~([^/]+)(/(.*))? /home/sites/site14/users/$1/web/$3
   AliasMatch ^/users/([^/]+)(/(.*))? /home/sites/site14/users/$1/web/$3
   TransferLog /home/sites/site14/logs/access_log
   ErrorLog /home/sites/site14/logs/error_log
   AddHandler cgi-wrapper .cgi
   AddHandler cgi-wrapper .pl
   AddHandler server-parsed .shtml
   AddType    text/html     .shtml

This will then stop the site from accepting requests on port 80 - and only
pick them up on the SSL port 443. If anyone tries to access the site via
normal http - you'll find them redirected to the raq home page. You can make
it accept the requests via normal http by making a copy of the above,
removing the SSL stuff and ideally changing where the server root is to
protect your SSL site - which was my entire reason for doing it!

Only problem with this is you can't change the SSL settings in the GUI -
only the certificates - there's no way to remove SSL and move it to another
site. This is required to be done manually.



----- Original Message -----
From: "markus noeske" <mnoeske@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: <cobalt-security@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Wednesday, December 26, 2001 10:20 AM
Subject: [cobalt-security] [question] how to urge users to https sites

> on the cobalt servers behind every https page there
> is (because of a lack of the web-based configuration)
> always a http site with the same name
> that can accessed without ssl-encryption. is
> there a way to implement a require https in a
> .htaccess file together with an user authentification
> like require valid user?
> regards
> markus
> p.s. this was a topic a few months ago
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