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[cobalt-security] RE: Si Becker <71362.22@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

Hi Yah,

Thanks for replies...

Did some more searching and the name/ID shown from CompuServe...Si Becker
it actually shows up here http://www.sockets.com/services.htm which lists
all standard ports used :-

smpte           420/tcp    SMPTE
smpte           420/udp    SMPTE
#                  Si Becker <71362.22@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

This is what I'm seeing on my logcheck reports...

Portsentry had an alert to ns.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.com from the following IP
address and port: 22   < ------  NOTE This IP changes all the time but port
number stays the same

ssh              22/tcp    SSH Remote Login Protocol
ssh              22/udp   SSH Remote Login Protocol
#                 Si Becker <71362.22@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>  <------- This is

Everytime I have one of these notifications the IP owners are notified along
with a copy sent to compuserve, but with over 20 of these notifications
being sent out I haven't heard back from either compuserve or any of the IP
owners sys admins or ISP's - with doing the searching above I now think that
the signature may be bogus - don't know. Anyone else seen anything similiar

If I do add the IP's to say host.deny I know they may be spoofed so is there
any script available for clearing the host.deny after a certain time period.

Regards from Auckland
