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Re: [cobalt-security] Re:Securing RAQ3

> I had already got a hold of Putty, but was unsure of how to implement it
> "correctly". Can you take let me know if I did this right:
> 1) Installed the OpenSSH.pkg
> 2) Disabled Telnet on the RAQ3
> 3) On remote system open Putty, in Putty preferred SSH protocol set to
> version 2, encryption algorithm 3DES.
> I believe it is working, I can no longer telnet in with the default telnet
> app that comes with MS-OS's.
> I can login with Putty with no problems.

Looks good to me!

> Now time to secure FTP?

Someone earlier mentioned a modification that was in effect "POP before
FTP"... anyone have an idea how to do that? I am considering implementing
the SafeTP solution (http://safetp.cs.berkeley.edu/), but would like to do
so in conjunction with POP before FTP.  I can't find it in the archives....

> Also, I have been searching the archives and have come across lots of
> discussions about ipchains, is it a good idea to install ipchains? I
> installed the logcheck.sh and Portsentry.

IPChains is a MUST. Search the archives for a HOWTO by Carrie......
