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Re: [cobalt-security] Re: syn_flood dos attack (Nico Meijer)

On Tue, Jan 01, 2002 at 03:31:01PM -0600, Jordan Lowe wrote:
> Well, I tried using the iptables stuff- (echo 1 >
> /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_syncookies),

Just to be picky, this isn't related to "iptables" AFAIAA.

> and I still see the syn stuff, but I > think its working.
> Apache hasn't crashed yet, which is great.  Thanks Nico,
> I appreciate the info.

Read up on syncookies here, though it is more of a justification than an


And I don't if this problem has been solved or not within CobaltOS:


So while that problem is non-trivial to exploit, by invoking an old
version of syn-cookies when you're not actually undergoing SYN flood
attacks could actually weaken your security rather than strengthen it.

Nick Drage - Security Architecture - Demon Internet
"A lonely voice
 Echoing through the wilderness
 Request Timed Out"