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Re: [cobalt-security] Anyone using myNetWatchman.com?

At 01:17 PM 1/18/2002, you wrote:
Olaf Alders wrote:

> I'd like to block ftp from wannado.fr as well.  What does the rule look
> like?

In hosts.deny

ALL: .wanadoo.fr

> Thanks,

Actually I think that I am willing for the people of France to be able to visit my web sites.

I do NOT want them ftping in though.

I added to my hosts.deny right up at the top

# hosts.deny    This file describes the names of the hosts which are
#               *not* allowed to use the local INET services, as decided
#               by the '/usr/sbin/tcpd' server.

in.proftpd: .wanadoo.fr .t-dialin.net
ALL .... rest of the stuff

This blocks all the people from wanadoo.fr and t-dialin.net from ftping in.