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RE: [cobalt-security] amd root?

I've experienced the same behavior on a couple of my RaQ 3i's.
The system completely locks up, only responding to pings, 
but otherwise dead. I cannot replicate the behavior and I
have no other reasons to suspect malicious behavior.

I'm very interested in learning about others with this experience.

-Gary M. Root

>Hi, to you all..
>> > Did you recently stumble across any RaQ3 or RaQ4 which had
>> /etc/shadow set
>> > to -r--------?
>I hve a file on two raq4r called gshadow   /etc/gshadow that are set
> to -r--------
>Is this the way it should be?
>Yesterday one of the raq4r with out a warning stooped 
>responding (total- web, ssh, mail,ftp) I had to drive to the 
>server location and restart it. When looking at the indicators 
>everything (web line, hard disk) looked ok. But the buttons on 
>the raq4r did not react at all when trying to reboot/shutdown! 
>After some time trying to get it to respond in the display, I 
>had to pull the power cable.
>It started and after some disk checking it was like before.
>How normal is this?
>Some of the reason I ask is that it has happened twice before 
>on some raq3i servers, and those where possible hacked on the 
>time or got hacked when it occurred.
>best regards
>Kai R S
>euroweb as
>> With best regards,
>> Michael Stauber
>> mstauber@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>> Unix/Linux Support Engineer 
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