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SV: [cobalt-security] amd root?

Hi, Gary

> Gary wrote:
> > I've experienced the same behavior on a couple of my RaQ 3i's.
> > The system completely locks up, only responding to pings,
> > but otherwise dead. I cannot replicate the behavior and I
> > have no other reasons to suspect malicious behavior.
> This is not _necessarily_ due to to malicious or otherwise nefarious
> activity. It's very simple: most RaQ owners/customers have either
> 64, 128 or
> 256MB of RAM installed (I know there are 512s out there, but not
> too many in
> my experience).

This could be the reason and was a very good answer, but i do have 384mb ram
and it was not that time of day when logrotation goes..but on the other side
i do have some sites that has some traffic.

> won't be able to spin off an environment for you... and in extreme
> circumstances the kswapd process ends up stuck in swap itself, in
> which case
> you may see "do_try_to_free_pages failed" kernel errors in your
> messages log
> after a reboot. If, that is, syslogd or klogd haven't been swapped out or
> killed at that point ;-)

Should not all of this generate som warning message like low memory or high
cpu or does it happend so quick that the system has no time for that?

And there's the reason why the front panel doesn't work
That the systems are built this way that the shutdown buttons do not
function when such a thing as this happend and you for once really needs
them is a bad, bad behavior. Would almost say that it is a serious bug with
the product.

> Graeme
> --
> Graeme Fowler
> System Administrator
> Host Europe Group PLC
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