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Re: [cobalt-security] Securing Admin Pages

Steve Werby wrote:

> I'm not going to put words in Jeff's mouth, but another problem is that
> resetting the admin password in the GUI resets the root password.  That's
> either a feature or a bug depending on how you look at it.  In any case, if
> you do set root's password to be different from admin's it's best to make a
> mental note of that.

Yes, that's what I meant.  And I think that's what Dave/Max says I

But it's late at night, and I really shouldn't read these lists late at
night; I get very testy and tend to make misteaks <wry grin>.

Jeff Lasman <jblists@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Linux and Cobalt/Sun/RaQ Consulting
P. O. Box 52672, Riverside, CA  92517
voice: (909) 778-9980  *  fax: (702) 548-9484