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[cobalt-security] Secure Certificate Expired even with root CA?


I received the chain/root certificate from Entrust yesterday, and installed it as per
http://list.cobalt.com/pipermail/cobalt-users/2001-April/042142.html . However older browsers like Netscape 4.05 still prompt that
the certificate period has expired? Contacted entrust and they said it was a cobalt issue and as cobalt wouldn't give them any help
resolving this so they couldn't help!

I tried copying chain cert to /etc/httpd/conf/entrustchaincert.txt
Edited httpd.conf to look like: SSLCACertificateFile /etc/httpd/conf/entrustchaincert.txt
restarted apache/failure.

Can anyone help as this certificate already has taken a month to be issued ....?

