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RE: [cobalt-security] Securing Admin Pages

Thanks Jeff for the good walk-thru! I think I've messed up something though
or missed a step somewhere :-(

> With SecureCRT do the following:
> edit the properties for the ssh session profile that you have created to
> connect to your server.  Next click on port forwarding and click the add
> button.  This will open a new window.  Assign a name for the connection
> (i use admin pages), a local port (81) and the remote port (81).  Finally,
> click ok, and the port forwarding/ssh tunnel is setup.

Ok, done this.

> To use the ssh tunnel, connect to the server with this profile that you
> just modified, then, using a browser, connect to http://localhost:81/ and
> you should get your admin pages.

So I've connected to my server via ssh on port 22, I'm logged in OK as admin
and I can use the CLI as normal. I fire up my browser and point it to
http://localhost:81 and sure enough, the forwarding aspect must be working
because I see a page returned to my browser. Unforuntaley, the page is my
RaQ's standard 'You do not have permission to access the requested file on
this server' page. I tried http://localhost:81/admin too but that just
returns my RaQ's default 404 File Not Found page. I don't get prompted for
my admin password at any time. I guess I have missed something somewhere,
just not too sure what it is!

Can someone please put me right?