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RE: [cobalt-security] traffic question

check out the ip accounting feature of MRTG. Mrtg is a traffic graphing utility that has strong support among major companies..  It's very easy to use.  download it, and look in the contrib directory and look for mrtg-ipacc.

you can do accouning on ip/subnet/whatever..

I use mrtg for smtp monitoring, traffic graphing, and serveral other things.. I haven't used it for ip accounting.. but every time i've tried something from the contrib folder, i've been able to make things work.


-----Original Message-----
From: ICDservers.com [mailto:info@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Tuesday, February 26, 2002 3:51 AM
To: cobalt-security@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [cobalt-security] traffic question

Hi All,

I was wondering if any of you have solved this one yet, as i stil lam
looking for a good option.

The problem is this.

All my hosters get a standard free amount of datatraffic per month, say
1 GB. For normal website hosting this is sufficient, but some of the
hosters generate more traffic and that has to be paid extra. I am now
looking for a tool or whatever that will allow me to track who has
generated how much in a certain month, for billing purposes of course ;)
Also if there is a way to restrict a site to the agreed amount of
traffic ( like the free hosters do ) that would be great.

Anyone any ideas about this ?


Peter Broerse

cobalt-security mailing list