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[cobalt-security] RE: traffic question reply by steve

> From: "Steve Werby" <steve-lists@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
> To: <cobalt-security@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> Subject: Re: [cobalt-security] traffic question
> Date: Tue, 26 Feb 2002 09:59:55 -0500
> Reply-To: cobalt-security@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

[PB: ] <<Was about bandwidth throttling >>

> True, but that just limits the throughput rate.  From what I
> the
> original poster doesn't want to throttle the throughput rate, just
> the
> total traffic during a month by turning the site off or pointing it to
> special page when that traffic total is reached. 
[PB: ] 

Almost steve but not quite. IN the Cobalt boxes it's fairly easy to
review how much storage space is consumed by a website and if this space
gets too filled up the box starts sending out messages about it.

This is what I am looking for in regards to traffic used.
I think ( but I'm no programmer, that it shouldn't bee too much trouble
to be able to set a amount of allowed traffic on a site and then have
the cobalt review this every night. When the site goes near the agreed
amount of traffic ( say within 200 MB ) then a message is sent to both
the admin ( me ) and the siteadmin. When the final amount of traffic is
used then there should be a option to set if the site can or cannot be
viewed further for that month. This way I can give my hosters a choice,
to either pay extra in advance and buy additional traffic upfront or to
not buy additional traffic and risk unavailability of their website.

I'll look you up steve, thanks for the suggestions,


Peter Broerse