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Re: [cobalt-security] Colbalt Raq 4 & Raq 3 vulnerability quick fix

First of all I have to tell you that Raq3 is affected as well.
Secondly I would like to suggest you a quick and easy fix:

in your dir
(this is a Raq3 path, I don't have a Raq4 but surely others can supply you
the rught one)
you will find a .htaccess that I have modify as follows

# Access file for /usr/admserv/cgi-bin/.cobalt/alert/ (admin  )
order allow,deny
#allow from all
require user admin
Authname CobaltRaQ
Authtype Basic

allow from
allow from y.y.y.
allow from x.x.x.x

where y.y.y. is my class c and x.x.x.x is my office gateway.

This solution will not disable the service nor the alert but should stop
exploiting the found vulnerabilities until a proper fix is supplied.

Audric Leperdi

----- Original Message -----
From: "Jonathan Michaelson" <michaelsonjd@xxxxxxxxxxx>
To: <cobalt-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>; <cobalt-security@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Friday, March 01, 2002 10:21 AM
Subject: [cobalt-security] BUGTRAQ: Colbalt-RAQ-v4-Bugs&Vulnerabilities

> Hello,
> Just read this:
> http://online.securityfocus.com/archive/1/259015
> Summary:
> "Exist three vulnerabilities:
> a) Cross Site Scripting.
> b) Traversal vulnerabilities.
> c) Denial Of Service.(Exploit Released)
> Cobalt's service.cgi incorrectly handles the incoming search parses,
> incoming HTML tags or JavaScript will be included inside the result
> them being filtered out for dangerous content. A similar problem occurs
> the x.cgi's inclusion of malicious code inside the resulting title
> I've done some work looking into this and the exploit doesn't seem to do
> anything on my test RaQ4 and it seems that you need a valid
> username/password to use the CSS and traversal vulns. The travsersal vuln.
> doesn't look as bad as reported because you don't seem to be able to go
> above /usr/admserv/html/ and since the cobalt scripts don't use cookies,
> not sure I understand how the CSS vuln is significanlty dangerous. So, on
> the face of it is seems quite worrying, but I've not been able to identify
> anything significant in my testing.
> Regards,
> Jonathan Michaelson
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