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Re: [cobalt-security] FWD: Colbalt-RAQ-v4-Bugs&Vulnerabilities

On 1 Mar 2002 at 10:23, cobalt@xxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:

> c) Denial Of Service.(Exploit Released)

Testes the 'Exploit' against our Raq4i (fully patched):

<begin output>

    C:\downloads>perl -x Cobalt_dos.pl -s xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx

    Cobalt RAQ DoS v4.0 DoS exploit (c)2002.
    Alex Hernandez al3xhernandez@xxxxxxxxxx

    Crash was successful !

</end output>

Tried connecting to admin interface - no problem - still there.

'Crash Successful !' - the Perl script is written to ouput this no matter what happens - not very well 
written 'exploit'.

Logs show:

xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx - - [01/Mar/2002:14:30:26 +0000] "GET /cgi-
bin/.cobalt/alert/service.cgi?service=AAA..<snip lots of A's>..AAA" 414 271
xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx - - [01/Mar/2002:14:30:45 +0000] "GET /.cobalt/sysManage/index.html HTTP/1.1" 401 

The important bits from this are:

414 - Request To Long


401 - Unathorized.

So the question is - have they tested this 'exploit' on an unpatched or patched version of the Raq4.

This 'DOS' seems to rely on anonymous logins to the admin interfaces as well.  hmmm...  Does anyone 
here actually allow that ?
