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RE: [cobalt-security] OpenPGP encryption for Mails?

> Hallo,
> For handling Creditcards they (the clearing company) wants PGP
> encrypted Mails.
> I read a lot and now I think OpenPGP is a good solution. But I'm not sure.
> Is anyone out there who has built a PKG to install OpenPGP as
> Perlmodule on a
> RAQ4. Or how should I do this?
> Is there any tool to handle key's? Maybe I could generate key's for my
> customers, also?
> If there is anyone who could answer by Mail directly to me in
> German language,

Sorry no german but simple english.  We have both an rpm and a source rpm of
gnupg 1.0.6 available if anyone wants at www.cobaltworld.com/rpms/ no pkg
yet but it will be part of our security package to come soon.  The rpm was
built on a RaQ4 but should work ok on a RaQ3 but not tested.  I ran some
quick tests after building the rpm - it installed fine and allowed me to
create a key no more in depth than that so please anyone who uses it please
send feedback to  developers@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

To install rpm -i gnupg-1.0.6-1.i386.rpm and then for instructions and
commands man gpg

simple <smile>

