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OT Re: [cobalt-security] SUN don't care about security update ?

Hi Paul and njd aswell,

Please don't take this message too personal. You are obviously upset and probably for a good reason.

> Sun after loosing Oracle is now a DEAD company....
> Sun has bit the dust.

Please don't shout stuff like that, not on *this* list. This has nothing to do with the (technical) security of Sun/Cobalt boxen and it remains to be seen whether or not Sun will survive. The same of course goes for M$, IBM and you-name-'em.

There have been many people who have outed their dislike of Sun, Sun/Cobalt and their software and hardware. That is of course fine, so long as everybody remains calm and polite.

To put it very, very bluntly (again, don't take this too personal): I don't care now nor will I care anytime in the future whether or not you choose to use the blue boxes. I am OTOH very much interested to discuss alternatives with anyone, including Sun alts, in a polite and friendly manner without bashing anybody. That way, I have learned a lot from people on these lists who use all kinds of hardware and software.

To be very honest with you, I have stopped using the blue machines for exactly the same reasons you say you are about to, plus some other reasons. I may have mentioned it a few times in the past, but - AFAIK - have refrained from bashing Sun/Cobalt for it.

Now, apologies might be in place: sorry for posting non-security related stuff, I'm sorry if you are offended, sorry for sounding (?) like a list cop.

I'll back off now... Nico