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Re: [cobalt-security] SUN don't care about security update ?

> Wonder if a Class action lawsuit would get them to change their mind about
fixing the broken back doors?

Everyone is upset but I am not sure they have a liability.  Here is why.
They manufacture these and sell gobs of them to large leasing companies.
The leasing companies often provide their own security by having hardware
firewalls and monitoring.  Their biggest target is not the person that buys
a RAQ and runs it in their bedroom to serve one website, its the leasing

Before you get upset and go off, consider that they say they don't "support"
the add-on software, thats not the same as they won't replace your power
supply if it fails, so the warranty is not so much the issue as the fact
that they don't feel they can support tens of thousands of servers when each
and every one has it's own unique software install.  Hmmm....

Sounds a lot like Microsoft when you call them and tell them Word Perfect is
giving you the Blue Screen of Death when you go to print.  They will say,
"not our word processor, not our printer, not our print driver - anything
else I can do for you?"  Smart of MS to stay out of the driver market.

I am not sure Sun/Cobalt originally intended to sell these to individuals.
Just som,e thoughts.

Paul Wilson