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Re: [cobalt-security] Re: New kernel

>> And when will it be available to download, and not screw up the box when
>> you install...???
>I said nothing about 2.4.x patches/upgrades for existing products. I
>said our _next_ (and future) products will be based on 2.4.x.
>Please believe me when I say that all of us in the field (systems
>engineers, sales people, etc) have been begging, pleading, whining,
>asking, groveling, etc for features and kernels from newer products to
>be backported to older products.  The problem lies with the sustaining
>engineering team and their resources.  Our argument has always been that
>yeah, it will be one hard upgrade to get out, but then the sustaining
>job actually will get easier, with one common set of applications,
>kernels, etc, across all hardware platforms.
>Unfortunately, to date, those in a position to do something about it
>haven't.  And that's about all I can contribute on that front.


Thanks for letting us know about the 2.4 kernel plans. Hopefully those in charge see sense. 

IMHO not only will it make the sustaining job easier, but your customers with older hardware will not feel abandoned 
as soon a new product comes out. I love the features of a RaQ, but if my investments are outdated so quickly, then I 
would start look at running a generic box and Linux distribution like Debian which I have on some other boxes. With 
those at least I know I can easily upgrade the software. And security patches are available quickly after a 
vulnerability is discovered (the issue being addressed in the other thread). 

Really what Sun/Cobalt need to see is that if the advantages of having a RaQ start being negated by the 
disadvantages, then there starts to be little reason to buy them.
