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Re: [cobalt-security] php security

So, tell me if Im right, if I set the open_basedir = . , then only the files
located where the php script is will be able to be opened useing fopen? Im

This is a serious issue... I have a php script wich lets me navigate the
entire hard disk in a cobalt raq3. I have sent it to cobalt security
people... but they just didn´t say a word about it

----- Original Message -----
From: "Jan Wildeboer" <jan.wildeboer@xxxxxx>
To: <cobalt-security@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Monday, March 25, 2002 5:48 AM
Subject: Re: [cobalt-security] php security

> > Is the a possibility to automatically have raq allow php only to open
> > files within /home/sites/www.somedomain.com/web and nothing else and
> > this applied with every new site php is turned on ?
> The open base_dir restriction is set in php.ini. The simple solution would
> be to set it to /home/sites. The better solution would be to change
> automagically when php is turned on. Maybe some RaQ-script guru wants to
> shed light on this?
> Jan Wildeboer
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