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[cobalt-security] RE: SSI Vuln on cobalt

>Thats quite a nice way of doing it, but that 
>still doesnt stop users from uploading 
>htaccess.txt and then renaming it on the server 
>using there FTP client.

>>What I *do* use to stop those files from being
>>uploaded in the first place, is this little line 
>>in my proftpd.conf file..

Very good point, that's something I didn't even

But there is another directive in ProFTP which can
control the commands end users can send/execute, the
"AllowFilter" directive. 

Orginally I didn't include this directive in my ftp
config, but I think I'll drop it in as; 

# Only allow commands containing alphanumeric
characters and whitespace

AllowFilter "^[a-zA-Z0-9 ,]*$"

as suggested on this page;


And that should stop someone from renaming files to
one with a "." in the file name.. (but I haven't tried
this yet)..


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