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Re: [cobalt-security] IMAP - turn it off?

On Thu, 25 Apr 2002 00:02:18 -0500, you wrote:

>Does the RAQ3 need port 143 open? I'm wondering if it's used at all by
>any of the apps for things like mail forwarding on or off the box,
>CDONTS, javamail, etc. 
>If there's no need for the service, how does one disable it?
>Thanks in advance

edit your /etc/inetd.conf - and comment using "#" the line for the
imap-server, then restart inetd using "/etc/rc.d/init.d/inet restart"

Harald Kapper                        kapper.net, inc.
managing director                    loeblichgasse  6
chief software development           1090 vienna, .at
tel +43 1 3195500-0, fax +43 1 3195502, hk@xxxxxxxxxx