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Re: [cobalt-security] Credit cards

JL> Date: Tue, 14 May 2002 07:28:29 -0700
JL> From: Jeff Lasman

JL> And how about a procedure in place to get those credit card
JL> numbers OFF the system on a regular basis so if it is hacked,
JL> you won't end up on the six-o'clock news.

The big thing is to ensure that any CC info that might be written
to disk is asymmetrically encrypted or randomly encrypted (a la
OpenBSD swap partitions).  Storing on a bastion system doesn't

I'm writing something that even zeroes RAM where CC info was kept
after processing.  But, then, I'm paranoid.  (And, no, that's not
a plug.  We have no current plans to sell the software in


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