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Re[2]: [cobalt-security] Credit card

On Wed, 15 May 2002 09:30:14 -0400 Steve Werby <steve-lists@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> "duncan gray" <duncanrobertgray@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> > So really the main issue is getting the information off the server
> > as soon as possible, so if for some reason you were hacked,
> > they only get 1 number, or none as youve already removed them.
> I wouldn't even want to risk someone accessing a single credit card
> number.
> If someone hacks into the server they'll be able to access all of the
> credit
> card info you store in plain text, regardless of how long the data stays
> on
> the drive.  All that's needed is a process that monitors for new credit
> card
> info and records it or emails it somewhere.  Sure, the hacker might only
> be
> able to get info. from one transaction at a time, but that isn't going to
> make you look any better when you're hacked and the info. is stolen.
> > I'm sure holding CC details on the server would be more secure
> > then the office next door, where all some one has to do is brake
> > a window(ok yeah just an example), take the reciepts. etc. Or
> > just look over someones shoulder when they are making a
> > payment somewhere.
> Well, if your server is connected to the Internet, then it's possible
> for an
> intruder to be located anywhere on the planet.  If the credit card info.
> is
> in your office the potential intruders are a little more geographically
> restricted.  <g>  Seriously, in any case it's advisable to take the
> proper
> precautions.  If you process the credit card info. yourself then it's
> advisable to encrypt it using gnupg or pgp and either keep no
> paper/electronic trail of unencrypted info. or keep it very, very secure
> and
> definitely off your server.  Otherwise it's worth considering using a
> reputable 3rd party credit card processing company so you never have or
> need
> to have the credit card info. yourself.  My 2 cents.

We do the credit card processing this way: inside the CGI, immdiately
encrypt the data with public key.  Corresponding private key does not exist
on this server.  Encrypted data is sent over UUCP (crossover serial cable)
to a machine that is not connected to the Internet at all.  There the card
data is decrypted and used for payments (over telephone line in our case).
Practically the only way the data can be intercepted without physical
access is by compromizing the CGI script.

Of course we implemented all this before the internet boom, when people
where serious about security...
