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Re: [cobalt-security] Credit cards

dg> Date: Thu, 16 May 2002 01:06:02 -0700 (PDT)
dg> From: duncan gray

dg> Well, thanks every body, it seems like ive opened up a whole
dg> can of worms, and that the best way is to use a 3 party
dg> company, which are the best ones to use?

For what particular service?  It's by no means impossible to do
it right in-house... just requires attention to detail.

If you're after a specific service, you might wish to narrow it
down.  Card processing?  Shopping cart?  Something else?


Brotsman & Dreger, Inc. - EverQuick Internet Division
Phone: +1 (316) 794-8922 Wichita/(Inter)national
Phone: +1 (785) 865-5885 Lawrence

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