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[cobalt-security] PHP, mySQL passwords, and Safe_Mode on a RaQ 4R

> This is counterintuitive to my understanding of how this should work.
> I did a search of the archives and discovered somebody mentioning 
> that they do something  to automagically compile in the passwords, 
> but when Carrie asked for details, none were forthcoming.  Has anyone 
> else successfully figured out how to do this on their RaQ or am I 
> just being stupid and missing some php.ini configuration directive 
> that's necessary?

well with my limited understanding I think something along the lines of
a php encoder is what you are looking for examples of such are:

Zend Optimizer (commercial) www.zend.com
php Screw http://sourceforge.net/projects/php-screw/ (noticed this on
freshmeat yesterday caught my eye)

hope this helps
