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Re: [cobalt-security] SSH vs. .htaccess

> [admin admin]$ ls -ld /home/sites/home
> drwxr-xr-x 7 admin home 4096 Mar 13 11:15 /home/sites/home
> which is CHMOD 755 and absolutely normally.

That means everyone can cd into it and read files in it.  No one
other that the user 'admin' can create files in it (and root, but
that's a special case.)

The man pages for 'chmod' and 'ls' are more elaborate than I am,
please see them if I confused you more than I helped.

> [admin admin]$ ls -ld /home/sites/site1
> drwxrwsr-x   7 alfred   site1        4096 Feb 10 17:30
> /home/sites/site1
> drwxrwsr-x has been created by the Cobalt GUI system.
> I don't understand this setting.

That's called a 'sticky bit'.  On a file, it has something to do
with setting the effective user or group (in this case, group) id.
On a directory, I'm not sure.  I refer to the man pages quite a bit,
especially in situations like this.


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