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Re: [cobalt-security] Turning off Apache

On Thursday 20 June 2002 12:22 pm, Pete Soderling wrote:
> For those of us who have servers where web-access is not mandatory, it
> would be a good idea to shut down Apache completely until a patch comes
> from Sun.
> I have ssh access to my box, and I tried to kill all the httpd processes,
> but of course the Cube just started them up again the next time it's
> monitoring cycle kicked in. I don't see an option in the GUI to turn off
> web-access, since of couse, the GUI is dependent on it. ;-)
> Anyone have any idea how to kill httpd completely - and to make it stay
> down?

edit /etc/cobalt/swatch/services/http
state = on
state = off

You must remember there are two apaches running
httpd and ahttpd

Gerald Waugh 
http://frontstreetnetworks.com  SOHO Networks & Web Site Hosting
Front Street Networks LLC     voice +1 203 785 0699 * fax +1 203 785 1787
229 Front Street, Ste. #C, New Haven CT 06513-3203