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[cobalt-security] proftpd: AllowChmod is deprecated

Dear Cobalt gurus,

Today I installed RAQ2-All-Security-4.0.1-13323 
though I am confused by the fact that the patch 
number is lower than the earlier patch (from three 
months ago) named RAQ2-All-Security 4.0.1-13453 
which I installed at that time. Is there significance to 
the patch numbering sequence? If so, should I 
uninstall this new patch, or reinstall the earlier one?

Also, since I installed this patch, I have been seeing 
messages in my log such as:

Jun 20 12:15:04 www proftpd[20171]: AllowChmod is deprecated, and will not work consistantly, use <Limit SITE_CHMOD> instead.

Is this cause for concern?

Thanks so much for any wisdom you can offer!

Dan Keller 