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Re: [cobalt-security] Weird process running

Hello Rick,

Friday, June 21, 2002, 4:38:46 PM, you wrote:

R> Hi,
R> i saw a weird process running from my account.
R> The file is located at /home/sites/site108/users/rick/bin/ .. /west
R> this is the ls -al results of /home/sites/site108/users/rick/bin/
R> drwxr-xr-x  10 rick     site108      1024 Jun 21 16:30  ..
R> drwxr-sr-x   3 rick     site108      1024 May 26 03:50 .
R> drwxrws--x   9 rick     site108      1024 Jun 20 13:09 ..

R> I would like to know how do i get into
R> /home/sites/site108/users/rick/bin/ .. /
R> Regards,
R> Rick

info for [alt+255]: keep ALT pressed and then 255 on the num pad.
cd /home/sites/site108/users/rick/bin/
cd [alt+255]..[alt+255]
thats all...

Best regards,
       __ ( }        Christoph Jäger
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