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Re: [cobalt-security] Is someone getting in on my FTP?


OK, thanks. Anon FTP has been off since minute one. :) Along with just about everything else.

I've calmed down a lot since I had a quick look around my system.

Modified logcheck.sh to include
$LOGTAIL /var/log/auth >> $TMPDIR/check.$$

so I can monitor that.

Jeez, sometimes too much information is a bad thing. Sheesh. So many messages - I know I'm going to be living on google tomorrow to find out what they all mean. It's all very well having all these messages drop in my inbox, but I gotta know what they mean, and whether they are good or bad.

Still, mustn't grumble :)

At 11:47 27/06/2002 -0500, you wrote:
> Jun 27 17:27:52 ns proftpd[24661]: myip.myip.myip.myip
> (dnhz02by24ol.bc.hsia.telus.net[]) - FTP session closed.

It's some cl0wn scanning your ftp server. Typically they're looking for an
anonymous ftp server to load up with warez. There are whole net blocks that
I've blocked with tcp-wrappers to cut down on this stuff.


Alan MacDonald
Webmaster - aceposition.com
+353 51 855 939