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Re: [cobalt-security] RaQ3-RaQ4-OpenSSH-3.4p1-1.pkg

JS> Date: Thu, 27 Jun 2002 12:59:37 -0500
JS> From: Jay Summers

JS> Ahh, sorry my mistake. I typically don't use the .pkg's. I
JS> typically only install from source unless it's an official
JS> Cobalt patch.

Don't install a program or library that has anything to do with
running processes.  The results can be ugly.  Don't ask me how I

	 1) Download and compile new version of OpenSSH

	 2) Update config file for new version, if needed

	 3) From within /path/to/openssh-src

		./sshd -p 55555

	 4) Log in to your server on port 55555

	 5) If it works, your new sshd is good

	 6) Terminate all copies of sshd running on port 22

	 7) Install the new copy

		cd /path/to/openssh-src
	 	make install

	 8) Start sshd on port 22, as would happen during boot

	 9) Log in via ssh on port 22

	10) Terminate all copies of sshd running on port 55555.

In short, start a copy of new sshd using port perversion.  If it
works, kill the old sshd (port 22), and start your new sshd on
the proper port.  Kill the new sshd on port 55555, and you're in
good shape.

Nothing special about 55555, except it's in a region that's "off
limits" for normal servers.

This is the procedure that I always use.  Works great, no messing
with Web interface.

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