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Re: [cobalt-security] OpenSSH questions

On Monday 01 July 2002 02:24 am, David Seaton wrote:
> Well isn't that wonderful news.
> Hopefully it will work out.
> New problem.
> Now SSH is not starting.
> I rebooted my machine because top showed that system was low on memory.
> Now SSH is not starting and i dont know what i did.
> There was some issues with /var/empty/sshd, so I created the path.
> Now they system won't start.. here is my telnet connection (because no
> choice tell ssh is working).
> [root@ns /root]# /etc/rc.d/init.d/sshd start
> Starting sshd: This platform does not support both privilege separation and
> compression
> Compression disabled
> Bad owner or mode for /var/empty/sshd
> [root@ns /root]# cd /var/empty
> [root@ns empty]# ls sshd
> [root@ns empty]# rmdir sshd
> [root@ns empty]# /etc/rc.d/init.d/sshd start
> Starting sshd: This platform does not support both privilege separation and
> compression
> Compression disabled
> Missing privilege separation directory: /var/empty/sshd
> [root@ns empty]#
> What does this mean? How do I get SSH back?
 mkdir /var/empty
 chown root:root /var/empty
 chmod 755 /var/empty

edit sshd_config
Compression  no

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Gerald Waugh 
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