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Re: [cobalt-security] Questions about official cobalt kernel [off topic rant]

At 10:03 AM 7/2/2002, you wrote:
Paul Jacobs did once again write something like:
> Would rather spend the money on a Apple OS 10 Server and put plesk on
> it. Or sun will have to drop there prices to compete with apple :)

Thanks for that bit of marketing insight.
Was it related to cobalt security?
Was it even related to security?
So was I remotely interested in hearing it?
What say you?

No apology's.

We're all highly aware of how unimpressed you are with Sun/Cobalt, please
*please* find somewhere else to vent your frustration. Making the odd post
to a support list like this is not helping, it's just filling up everyone's
mailboxes with dross along the lines of:

"Sun have abandoned all old Raq owners to an old kernel family!"
"Actually you can upgrade but it's unsupported because its so risky its
unsupportable. You need to really know what you're doing for the benefits to
outweigh the risks."
"Sun have abandoned all old Raq owners to an old kernel family!"

All ture.

The only reason I don't plonk your emails is because, as you clearly know
your systems, sometimes you almost say something useful. Please try to up
your ratio of useful postings to "oh isn't it all terrible, someone should
do something" postings[1].

Rant ends,

[1] Of course, my ratio's dropping like a stone... :o)

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