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Re: [cobalt-security] FW: Security Patches questions

If you skip the 14039 update, you should be fine.

ons, 2002-07-03 kl. 14:02 skrev Micky Martins:
> Hi all,
> Those are my next security patches for my raq4 listed below on this
> email. 
> I have PHP 4.1.2-3 and MySQL 3.23.37 installed on it from pkgmaster.com.
> To avoid problem with glibc update 2.0.1 do I have to update my
> Chilisoft to version 3.6.2? To avoid problem with PHP update 2.0.1 do I
> have to skip this update and keep the php from pkgmaster? What about PHP
> service settings? Do I need to install it even if I keep php 4.1.2-3
> from pkgmaster.com?
> I have been asking those questions since glibc update and php update
> 2.0.1 came out but not straight answers so far.
> Any answers to those questions will be gratefully appreciated.
> Update: Apache 2.0.1 
> HTTP	RaQ4-All-System-2.0.1-15417.pkg
> Posted: June 28, 2002
> =====================
> Update: TCPDUMP 2.0.1 
> HTTP	RaQ4-All-System-2.0.1-14559.pkg
> Posted: June 27, 2002
> ===============================
> Update: PHP Service Settings 2.0.1 
> HTTP	RaQ4-All-System-2.0.1-14185.pkg
> Posted: June 18, 2002
> ===================================
> Update: Security Bundle 2.0.1 
> HTTP	RaQ4-All-Security-2.0.1-13323.pkg
> Posted: June 18, 2002
> =================================
> Update: Duplicate Email Alias 2.0.1 
> HTTP	RaQ4-All-System-2.0.1-13993.pkg
> Posted: May 13, 2002
> =================================
> Security: PHP Update 2.0.1 
> HTTP	RaQ4-All-Security-2.0.1-14039.pkg
> Posted: April 17, 200
> ======================================
> Security: glibc Update 2.0.1 
> HTTP	RaQ4-All-Security-2.0.1-13453.pkg
> Posted: March 13, 2002
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> cobalt-security@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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Martin Moeller
Liga LinDist ApS.
Faelledvej 16D
DK-2200  Copenhagen N
Tel: +45 35 36 95 05
Fax: +45 35 36 92 05

mailto: martin@xxxxxxx