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Re: [cobalt-security] libc resolver issue

CB> Date: Wed, 3 Jul 2002 13:35:21 +0100
CB> From: Chris Burton

CB> Doing that is all well and good, but you must not forget
CB> about the other software that is linked staticaly with the
CB> affected library itself. On the reports I have seen this
CB> includes sendmail etc... so this is another "zlib style"
CB> security problem. Thats  not fixed by a simple update of one
CB> "main" package.

	cd /usr/src
	wget ftp://some.host.tld/path/to/resolv.patch
	patch < resolv.patch
	make world

Woops, wrong operating system. ;-)

I'm sure that people are sick of my BSD slant... but, as someone
who runs multiple OSes, I enjoy comparing and contrasting them.
IMHO, BSD-style OS rebuilds are _much_ easier.

(Yes, I omitted the need to rebuild each "port" package.  That's
not much more difficult.)

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