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Re: [cobalt-security] SYN attacks killing me! Please HELP!

IEPE> Date: Mon, 22 Jul 2002 17:58:30 -0500
IEPE> From: "Ing. Ernesto [ISO-8859-1] Pérez Estévez"

IEPE> I've used tcp_syn_cookies, I have tried lots of ipchains
IEPE> firewalls, and nothing seems to help. Oh, adnd yes, I've

Consider TCP intercept (Cisco term) on your border router(s) if
{ it is | they are } beefy enough.  If you're colocated, see if
your provider will do it for you.  With TCP intercept on, your
server(s) see only valid SYN requests.

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Phone: +1 (316) 794-8922 Wichita

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