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Re: [cobalt-security] new openssl vulnerabilities

On Tue, 2002-07-30 at 18:28, Jonathan Michaelson wrote:
> Here we go again:
> http://online.securityfocus.com/archive/1/285022/2002-07-27/2002-08-02/0


for those of you who are for some reason interested in binary RPMs, I
have prepared openssl-0.9.6b-24 for RaQ4 (and RaQ3?) here:


It is my understanding that this is a patched by RedHat version of
openssl, with the above mentioned vulnerability fixed.  SRPM is dated
07/29/02  01:21:00 on RedHat site.  I'll take no blame, please check
yourself if you are causious, or better yet, compile 0.9.6e from the

Please note that installing these RPMs will *NOT* fix possible
vulnerabilities in OpenSSH and Apache, as they both are statically
linked against some other version(s) of openssl library.
