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Re: [cobalt-security] RaQ 550 and bandwidth monitoring?

At 02:22 PM 8/15/2002, you wrote:
Why is a T1 3 x slower the a cable modem but 20 x more expensive...

Makes me think twice about this 1000$/month  investment if its slower then
the cable modem we already have..


Cable modems are shared bandwidth with no guarantee of what you will get up or down, T-1's are on most Level 1 POP'S not shared in the same way that cable modems are... you get guarantee's on T-1's (SLA'S) and you don't on a cable modem..... T-1's are the only smart way to run a business..... yes, you can run a small company on a cable modem, but you are never sure what type of bandwidth you will get at any time.