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Re: [cobalt-security] fun with /usr/lib/authenticate

Hello Graeme,

> > Tried the exploit on an up to date RaQ4 and the exploit
> > did not work. It was able to do everything except the
> > most important bit which was to get a CRON job to run
> > to allow root access. Maybe the exploit is crippled?
> In the best tradition of public full disclosure, indeed it is. You need a
smattering of shell scripting knowledge to work out where the fault is. And
if you read your email after running the script, it's made extremely clear

Got it - it works nicely now.

> BTW I ran it on a patched right-up-to-the-one-before-the-SHP debacle RaQ4,
and it worked right-out-the-box. I have, however, long since ceased to be
surprised by these things. In my experience, if you have interactive shell
access as any user, you have root already.
> Lesson to be learned here is: don't give users shell access, unless you
absolutely trust them.

I couldn't agree more.

Jonathan Michaelson
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