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Re: [cobalt-security] Klez E Plague

On Wednesday, September 4, 2002, at 04:26  AM, Martin Moeller wrote:
If anyone knows of a way to make procmail write an extra little file
with a custom string (like the name of the recipe) to disk when
quanrentining, I'd like to know ;). It would be a nice extra..

Charlie's the local procmail star, but this doesn't seem like it should be too challenging with some study. But what, exactly, are you trying to do? You could include a line in the headers of the quarantined message indicating the rule it matched. You could just output the match to the procmail log, which usually happens anyway, I think. Or you could generate a new, tiny file for each match, containing only the rule matched. (I expect you'd want more data than that.)

Of course, this is procmail we're talking about. I've been trying to grok procmail for a year now and I feel like I'm no closer than I was in November.
