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[cobalt-security] Apache/mod_ssl Worm (cross-post)

Hi all,

Here is a Perl script that I quickly knocked up which scans your Apache error log file for potential scans from machines infected with the Apache/mod_ssl Worm.

It will list the number of scans, the IP address, hostname if available and the abuse email address for the network. You can then decide whether you need to inform the network owner of the worm.

To install it, just upload it to your admin account and make it executable with 'chmod +x scriptname.pl'. Run it with './scriptname.pl'. You can call it whatever you wish.

It is worth pointing out that the script looks for lines that contain the error message 'request without hostname' as a sign that the worm has been scanning. The actual message that appears in the log file is:

...client sent HTTP/1.1 request without hostname (see RFC2068 section 9, and 14.23): /

The script was tested on a RaQ3.

Feel free to amend/improve the script!


Glen Scott

#!/usr/bin/perl -w

### Apache/mod_ssl Worm log scanner
### Glen Scott <glen@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

use strict;
use Socket;

my ( $ip, $name, $abuse_email );

print "Apache/mod_ssl Worm Scanner...\n";
print "Checking Apache error log file...\n\n";

# get suspect lines from Apache error log
my @suspects = `egrep 'request without hostname' /var/log/httpd/error`;

# output format
format OUTPUT_TOP =
IP Address      Host Name                                 Abuse Contact

format OUTPUT =
$ip,            $name,                                    $abuse_email

if ( @suspects > 0 ) {
	print "\nReceived " . @suspects . " total scan(s):\n";

	my $ofh = select( STDOUT );
	$~ = "OUTPUT";
	$^ = "OUTPUT_TOP";
	foreach my $suspect( @suspects ) {
		# check for an IP address
		if ( $suspect =~ /(\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+)/ ) {
			$ip = $1;

			# look up hostname
if ( $name = gethostbyaddr( inet_aton( $ip ), AF_INET ) ) { my $command = 'whois ' . $name . '@whois.abuse.net';

				# lookup abuse email address using abuse.net
				my $output = `$command`;

				# grab email address
				if ( $output =~ m/([a-zA-Z0-9_-]+@\S+)/ ) {
					$abuse_email = $1;
			else {
				$name			= '-';
				$abuse_email	= '-';


	select( $ofh );
else {
	print "No signs of scanning found in log file.\n";

exit( 0 );


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