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[cobalt-security] Fix for /usr/lib/authenticate vulnerability

Ok gentlemen,

I got tired of waiting for Sun to come up with a patch for the infamous
vulnerability in /usr/lib/authnticate and here are my recommendations:

1. Get RPM that contains the source for the program in question:

wget ftp://ftp-eng.cobalt.com/pub/unsupported/raq4/srpms/apache-1.3.20-RaQ4_1C1experimental.src.rpm

(it is an outdated RPM but never mind, we'll only use one program from
it that probably did not change)

2. Unpack the source:

rpm -ihv apache-1.3.20-RaQ4_1C1experimental.src.rpm

3. Go to the source directory:

cd /usr/src/redhat/BUILD/apache/mod_auth_pam_external-1.0a/authenticate

4. Remove "-pg"  compiler option from the Makefile:

--- Makefile.orig       Thu Jul 12 03:43:33 2001
+++ Makefile    Wed Sep 25 13:34:52 2002
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
 #   LOCALFLAGS=   compiler flags.  Usually -g, -O, and stuff like that.
-LOCALFLAGS= -g -I/usr/include -pg
+LOCALFLAGS= -g -I/usr/include
 LIB=-lpam -ldl 
 # -------------------- No User Servicable Parts Below -----------------------

5. Build the binary:


6. Replace vulnerable binary with the newly built one:

# (run as root)
mv /usr/lib/authenticate /usr/lib/authenticate.orig
chmod -s /usr/lib/authenticate.orig
cp authenticate /usr/lib/
chmod u+s /usr/lib/authenticate

7. Verify the the exploit no longer works

do you think you might build a package like you recently did for
